Post-Punk Shows

Post-Punk Show Calendar

Date Show Lineup Presented by: Venue


Hide  B-Ward  The Guests  Wisteria

Play Alone Records Presents



Rubella Ballet Danger of Death Tour

Play Alone Records Presents

Various Locations


Rikk Agnew Band & Institute at Skull Fest 11

Play Alone Records Presents



Pink Turns Blue - Pittsburgh, PA

Play Alone Records Presents


Past Post-Punk Shows

Date Show Lineup Presented by: Venue


Actors • Bootblacks • Panic Priest • Child of Night

Play Alone Records Presents



1919 • Pawns • The Ire • Wisteria

This event was canceled.



Ritual Veil • Rotten UK • Sisters of Shaddowwe • Death Instinct

Play Alone Records Presents



Wind Atlas • Cruces • Dumb Vision • Plastic Idea • Wisteria

Play Alone Records Presents

Blumcraft of Pittsburgh


Actors • Bootblacks • Bring Her • Wisteria • Erica Scary

Play Alone Records Presents



WINGTIPS • Bambara • Death Instinct • a. grey

Play Alone Records Presents

The Rock Room


Skull Fest 10 & Play Alone Records present Arctic Flowers +more

Play Alone Records Presents


post-punk shows

We've been to a ton of post-punk shows over the years, way too many to count and yet mind-bogglingly never enough. I'm sure you feel the same way, or maybe you are just dipping your steel-toed boots in the waters of the Irwell or Allegheny. Live music speaks to the guts and reminds us why we endure the trials and tribulations of our lives. We nod our heads and dance and sometimes, just sometimes these days, run around in a circle. We will always dive into these encounters, and we want to share them with all of you.

In Manchester, England in 1976 The Sex Pistols played a show that would start us all on a bender, crusade, party, revolution, revelation, and dream we can't seem to wake up from. It was a punk show that inspired generations of DIY musicians. It changed the world from music to fashion, to marketing, to identity. Post-punk quickly took to the same oil and trash-laden earth, with the same zeal and tenacity and flourished.

It is such a crazy feeling to stand in a room with 10 people and hear a band that blows you away. To feel the excitement in everyone present that you have all just experienced something extraordinary. It has happened to me repeatedly, and then I get to lovingly watch these bands reach and exceed their potential. I feel a pride in, and for them like somehow I had something to do with their success. I did have something to do with it, I just happened to be lucky enough to see them when...

Music is a language we not only all understand, but it is one we as a species have always held dear. No human is untouched by it. It brings us together, and honestly, I mostly hate people, so that's saying something. I want to feel comrades radiating sheer presence of being. Bands feed us their energy, and in turn, we dial each other up. It is a conversation where all parties walk away with more than what they entered with.

Come to our post-punk shows! We want you all there. You are all welcome. We try to create a safe and anxiety-free experience. We strive to support bands who support each other and support the community.

We're all going to stay young until we die!


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