Shadow Age - First Full Length
Post-Punk Band from Richmond, VA
Clear Edition - SOLD OUT!
First pressing is on clear 12" vinyl with a handwritten lyric sheet by Aaron Tyree. Limited to 30 copies.

Black Edition

The Best Records of 2018 - Void Music
"El primer larga duración hizo que valiera la espera, un disco lleno de fuerza, un torrente energético, con pocos espacios de sosiego, pero que dentro de ese despliegue sonoro es capaz de transmitir paralelamente un sentido de angustia existencial, contrastante con el suave, melódico Tyree, dejando una sensación ambivalente que en su conjunto nos ofrece una bella escala de grises." - Void Music [By David Rangel and Beto Sigala ]
Cvlt Nation Review - "What I love about Shadow Age is how flawlessly they’re able to transport listeners to 1982 with their traditional post-punk/shoegaze sound while putting enough spins on it to create a distinct uniqueness" - Sär Blackthorn Review - "...ten tracks of masterfully crafted post-punk in the vein of For Against or The Cure’s landmark early records." - Frank Deserto
Bandcamp Review - "Shadow Age is a true triumph—a testament to the power of art to heal, to the strength and necessity of creative persistence." - Andi Harriman
Andrea Speed - "Shadow Age have a new record out! It is shiny and pretty, and seems to be dominated by themes of near death and survival."
released September 4, 2018
Aaron Tyree - guitars, keyboards, voices
Evan Recinos - drums
Ben Powell - bass
Produced & Mixed by Rick Olson & Aaron Tyree
Engineered by Chris Compton at Skip's Place Richmond, VA
Mastered by Dan Randall at Mammoth Sound Mastering
Drums tracked by Kevin Bernsten at Developing Nations Baltimore, MD
Art by Keelan McMorrow
Layout by Evan Scott Sharfe
All Rights Reserved
Check out our other releases here.
The band was founded in 2013 by Aaron Tyree, vocalist and guitar player. Evan Recinos, their drummer, came up with the band name, they were initially named Colony but changed their name because there were other bands with that name and they didn't want to get in hot water over the name once they released material officially. Some of their jangly guitar-driven influences include early Cure records, The Chameleons, and The Sound. Everyone in the band comes from diverse backgrounds, incorporating additional synth-based sounds from bands like OMD, Asylum Party, and Early Ministry.
(Asylum Party is one we at Play Alone hold very dear, that's where we got our name)
Aaron Tyree writes all the lyrics for the band and they come from personal experiences, both inward reflections, and observation. The lyrics are not particularly political, although the band has its roots in the politically conscientious punk and hardcore.
Their releases to date are:
Shadow Age - S/T Play Alone Records 2018
Singles & EPs
Shadow Age - Silaluk 6131 Records 2015
Shadow Age - The Fall Not On Label (Shadow Age Self-released) 2017
This, their first LP has been likened to For Against or The Cure’s early iconic records. Evan Recinos’ drum work evokes 80s reminiscent beats along with Ben Powell filling in the rhythm on bass. Aaron Tyree lays down dreamy vocals and subtle guitar riffs that are the distinctive continuity of Shadow Age's sound.
Shadow Age's self-titled LP, released on September 4th, showcases the band's unique sound inspired by British post-punk, eighties coldwave, and nineties bands like London After Midnight and Corpus Delicti. The Richmond-based trio reworked their album after being dissatisfied with the first recording's lackluster sound. Their debut consists of ten tracks and a 32-minute duration, presenting a mix of powerful rhythmic bases, keyboards, and the melancholic voice of Aaron Tyree. With a balance of intense energy and existential anguish, Shadow Age's LP offers a beautiful grayscale of music, making it worth the long wait.
The content on the self-titled full-length on Play Alone Records comes from Aaron Tyree's experiences of 2013, having dealt with severe frostbite. It got into his bones and almost made him lose part of his foot. He was hooked to an IV of antibiotics for most of the year. He focused on writing music and thinking about the band to stay positive and pass the time.
The Silaluk 7" gets its name from the Inuit word for storm. This was the first vinyl release on 6131 Records. Our friendship, love of their live shows, and the Silaluk debut were what drew Play Alone to want to work with Shadow Age.